The Dos and Don’ts of Handling Your Rabbits

Rabbits make wonderful pets and can be a source of great joy and companionship. But, just like any other pet, they require special care and attention. Here are some dos and don’ts of handling your rabbits to ensure they stay healthy and happy.


• Handle your rabbits gently. Rabbits are fragile animals and can be easily injured if not handled properly. When handling your rabbit, support its body with both hands and never pick it up by the ears or scruff of the neck.

• Allow your rabbit time to get used to you. Spend time talking to and petting your rabbit to help it get used to being handled. It will help them trust you more and feel more comfortable when you do handle them.

• Let your rabbit explore its surroundings. Allowing your rabbit to explore its living space will give it more opportunities to get used to being handled by you.

• Give your rabbit plenty of space. Rabbits need room to move around, so make sure you are giving them plenty of space in their enclosure.


• Don’t restrain your rabbit too tightly or for too long. This can cause them distress and lead to injury.

• Don’t let other pets or children handle your rabbits without supervision. Other pets can scare or hurt them, while children may not know how to handle them properly.

• Don’t let your rabbit roam freely outside of its enclosure. Rabbits can get scared easily and there are lots of dangers in the outside world that they can run into that can put them in harm’s way.

• Don’t leave your rabbit alone for long periods of time without any attention or stimulation. Rabbits need attention and interaction with their owners just like any other pet and leaving them alone for too long can cause boredom and depression.

Following these dos and don’ts will help ensure that your rabbits stay healthy and happy for many years to come! If you have any questions about how to properly handle your rabbits, be sure to consult a qualified veterinarian or animal behaviorist for advice.

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