The Different Types of Rabbit Feed and Which is Best for Your Bunnies

Rabbits are unique in their dietary needs compared to other pets, so it’s important to make sure you’re feeding them the right type of food. Rabbits have sensitive digestive systems and can easily suffer from gastrointestinal issues if given the wrong type of food or too much of it. In this blog post, we’ll look at the different types of rabbit feed available and which one is best for your bunnies.


Hay should make up the majority of a rabbits diet and should be provided on a daily basis. It is an essential part of their diet as it not only provides fibre and helps keep their digestive system healthy, but also keeps their teeth in good condition. Hay also helps prevent boredom in rabbits and stops them from becoming overweight. The best kinds of hay for rabbits are Timothy, Meadow, Oat and Alfalfa hay.


Pellets are a concentrated form of feed made from hay, herbs, vegetables and other ingredients. They should only be fed once or twice a day as they are high in calories and can lead to obesity if given too much. Pellets are great for providing extra vitamins and minerals that hay may not provide. Make sure you buy pellets that are specifically designed for rabbits as other pet food pellets can be dangerous for them.

Fresh Vegetables

Fresh vegetables provide vital nutrients that hay does not provide, such as vitamins A and C which are essential for rabbits health. Vegetables should be introduced gradually into their diet, starting with small amounts – around one teaspoon per day for each kilogram of body weight. Avoid giving too much cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli as these can cause gas in rabbits. The best vegetables to feed your bunnies are: Carrots, Celery, Parsnips, Beetroot, Apples (without seeds), Sweetcorn and Peppers (all colours).


Fruit makes a nice occasional treat for your bunnies but should not be given too often due to its sugar content. Feed no more than one teaspoon per day per kilogram of body weight. The best fruits to feed your bunnies are: Apples (without seeds), Pears, Plums, Strawberries, Raspberries and Blueberries. Avoid citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons as these can be very acidic for them.


Treats should be given sparingly as they are usually high in sugar and fat which can lead to obesity in rabbits if given too much. Some treats you can give your bunnies include: Unsweetened breakfast cereals such as porridge oats; Unsweetened dried fruit; Nuts (not peanuts); Seeds (not sunflower seeds); Unsalted popcorn; Herbs; Dandelions; Wild plants; Unsweetened dried herbs; Unsweetened shredded wheat; Unsweetened breakfast biscuits; Dried rose petals; Dried lavender; Dried marigold petals; Dried chamomile flowers; Dried mint leaves; Dried parsley leaves.

By understanding the different types of rabbit feed available and which is best for your bunnies you can ensure they have a healthy diet full of all the essential nutrients they need to stay happy and healthy! For more advice on rabbit care visit

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